Jolt 2014 – Archive Page

We are busy planning our next journey for July / August 2014. We aim to travel from the heart of Africa to the Indian Ocean. We will start our travels in Zambia, before heading through Botswana, South Africa, Swaziland and arrive in Mozambique a month later. We will take in the mighty Zambezi River and Victoria Falls before entering Botswana, the gateway to the Okavango Delta. South African highlights include the world famous Kruger National Park and Blyde River Canyon. The Kingdom of Swaziland will be the location for a community project and some exciting trekking, before arriving on the beaches of Mozambique to complete our journey.

View the provisional itinerary for JoLT 2014 to find out more about the exciting and challenging trip planned.

How to Nominate

The Trustees of Journey of a Lifetime (JoLt) are looking for disabled and disadvantaged youngsters who could benefit from participating in a month-long, challenging “Journey of a Lifetime”. We have already run successful journeys for more than 25 years to many different locations.

If you are interested in nominating a youngster (aged 14 – 21 years), or would like to be nominated yourself, please download the following nomination form.

As well as the nomination form from two adults, we require letters from each adult and the youngster outlining why they would benefit from the Journey of a Lifetime. In addition, please read, sign and return the following data protection form.

You will need to return both forms along with supporting letters. If you require more information, or have any questions please email

The closing date for nominations is 11th November 2013.

Conditions for Qualification

The youngsters who go on JoLt 2014 must be:

  1. Aged 14-21 years.
  2. Physically, medically, emotionally or socially disadvantaged.
  3. Excited at the prospect of travelling to distant lands.
  4. Unlikely to have the opportunity to travel extensively without JoLt.
  5. Free from involvement with the law or police prior to the journey for any offence that they have committed.
  6. Not involved with drink, drug or solvent abuse.
  7. Willing to actively contribute to make the journey a success, and likely to significantly benefit from the 2014 “Journey of a Lifetime”.

The Trustees are particularly interested in taking youngsters who have one or more of the following disadvantages:

  • deafness or hearing difficulties
  • blindness or visual impairment
  • a chronic medical condition or reduced life expectancies
  • physical disabilities which may or may not require a manual wheelchair (need to be reasonably mobile, unfortunately powered wheelchairs are not suitable for a journey of this type)
  • not known normal family life
  • struggled to overcome problems
  • experienced neglect and abuse
  • are young carers

Trustees welcome nominations of young people of every religion (or none) and of every race.



Download the JoLT 2014 Nomination Form


Download the JoLT 2014 Data Protection Document for Nominations


Download the JoLT 2014 Provisional Itinerary


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