Journey of a Lifetime 2016
The nominations for the 2016 “Journey of a Lifetime” are now open. We will travel for a month during July and August 2016 through Singapore, Indonesia and Northern Australia, taking in jungles and beaches, trekking through rainforests and across mountains . We will travel by bus, plane, raft, boat and train as well as on foot or wheelchair across more than 2,000 miles. The group will consist of 18 physically, medically, emotionally or socially disadvantaged youngsters from the UK and will be led by six experienced leaders, including two doctors.
We will be publishing an outline itinerary in October to give more details of the trip.
Conditions for Qualification
The youngsters who go on JoLt 2016 must be:
1. Aged 14-21 years.
2. Physically, medically, emotionally or socially disadvantaged.
3. Excited at the prospect of travelling to distant lands.
4. Unlikely to have the opportunity to travel extensively without JoLt.
5. Free from involvement with the law or police prior to the journey for any offence that they have committed.
6. Not involved with drink, drug or solvent abuse.
7. Willing to actively contribute to make the journey a success, and likely to significantly benefit from the 2016 “Journey of a Lifetime”.
The Trustees are particularly interested in taking youngsters who have one or more of the following disadvantages:
– deafness or hearing difficulties
– blindness or visual impairment
– a chronic medical condition or reduced life expectancies
– physical disabilities which may or may not require a manual
– wheelchair (need to be reasonably mobile, unfortunately powered wheelchairs are not suitable for a journey of this type)
– not known normal family life
– struggled to overcome problems
– experienced neglect and abuse
– are young carers
Trustees welcome nominations of young people of every religion (or none) and of every race.
Cost of the trip
The cost of the trip is met by the Trust (approximately £5,000 per youngster). Youngster selected for the trip are encouraged to fundraise but their place is not dependent on them raising money.
How to Nominate
Please send TWO COPIES of the following:
i) A completed nomination form (the original copy and a photocopy) The nomination form can be found here : download the JoLt 2016 Nomination Form
ii) Letters giving reasons for nomination from each of the two responsible adults supporting this nomination (again the original copy and a photocopy)
iii) A letter from the young person explaining why she/he wishes to go on the journey (the original copy and a photocopy)
iv) Two copies of the Data Protection Form which can be found here : download the JoLt 2016 Data Protection Form
Please note: Incomplete documentation may affect chances of a young person being
Please send your nominations no later than 16th November 2015 to:
Mr Simon Gruselle
Chair of Trustees
The Journey of a Lifetime Trust
The Old Forge, The Street
Herts WD4 9BH
Key Dates
Closing date for nominations: 16th November 2015
Interviews: 13th February 2016 (To be held in Harrow, London)
Preparatory Weekend: 7th – 8th May 2016
Departure: 16th July 2016 (provisional)
Return: 13th August 2016 (provisional)